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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Notes from the field: DB doesnt start after changing spfile on ASM

If you changed your spfile with

alter system set =.... scope=spfile;

shutdown immediate;


The database refuses to startup. The spfile is on ASM storage, so you don't have a filesystem to visit and modify it.

Steps to follow to revert spfile to original:


. oraenv

sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

startup nomount

create pfile='recoverinit.ora' from spfile
shutdown immediate

Edit the newly created pfile to change the parameter which caused trouble, to its original value

Save the pfile

sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

startup pfile='recoverinit.ora' (or whatever you called it in step one).

create spfile='+DATA/ORACLE_SID/spfileORACLE_SID.ora' from pfile='recoversp'
Note:The name of the spfile is in your original init.ora so adjust to suit

shutdown immediate

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